Stephen M. Apatow
Biomechanics Specialist & Technical Consultant
Founder, Director of Research and
Sports Medicine & Science Institute
Phone: (203) 668-0282
Email: s.m.apatow@esportsmedicine.org
Internet: www.esportsmedicine.org
Pathobiologics International
Internet: www.pathobiologics.org.
Analysis, correction and retraining to optimize the
biomechanics of the elite dancer in classical ballet training has
provided tools that are applicable to both human orthopedic and
veterinary applications.
The differentiation between functional vs. pathological
is a crucial aspect for integration.
During the 1980's, a specialized analysis, correction and
retraining program was developed to enhance the joint flexibility and
technical performance of competitive international level dancers in
Soviet ballet training. The program incorporated the analysis of
a dancers postural alignment
to the classical ballet mechanical ideal, isolation of
muscle-tendon-articular restrictions and correction via a specialized
procedure to increase the elasticity of structures limiting potential
joint range of motion. The method yields an immediate change in spinal
and extremity flexibility, providing the dancer with the capacity to
optimize classical ballet alignment, which is then integrated into the
overall development program. Biomechanical changes include increased
hip turnout, functional flexibility (strength) of the
legs and upper extremities in all classical positions. Technical
progress of 2-3 turns on pointe to 7-8 turns on pointe has been
demonstrated in
a one month concentrated program prior to an international competition.
In the mid 90's, Dr. Keith Forbes, a veterinarian and
blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, learned about the scope of this work in
conjunction with a program I was conducting at a martial arts training
center in Northern Nevada. Discussion associated with this specialized
work, included my reference to a cervical entrapment neuropathy
case on female client (Yale Case), and presentation of my interest in veterinary
dialogue led to his request for me to review a case, including X-rays,
associated with a disk prolapse on a Basset
Hound, approximately
8 years old, presented with paraparesis, unable to stand on his hind
but still presenting some limited motility. The physical
exam revealed some mild pain along the back of
the thoracic-lumbar junction, on the neurological exam indicated that conscious propioception
was absent in the hind legs, the withdrawal reflex was decreased, and
the patellar reflex was increased. The owner declined surgery, so drug
treatment was started with prednisolone at the dosage of 0.5 mg./lb.
for one week and then decreased to 0.25 mg/lb. for the 2nd week. At the
end of two weeks of medical treatment the dog was re-evaluated with no
improvement clinically or neurologically. Alternative treatment
was started at this time.
Dr. Forbes and assistants helped while the problem was
assessed and small muscle tendon restrictions in the thoracic, lumbar
and sacral spine, pelvis and hind legs were isolated with corrective
procedures utilized to increase the elasticity of abnormal tension
relations. As demonstrated in human cases, the approach yielded
an immediate increase in joint range of motion of the affected spine
and extremities, correction of compensatory changes that resulted in
the functional capacity of the dog to support its weight on its hind
legs with progressive loading when the hind end was
lifted and released from approximately 6 inches above the ground.
One week later, after only one session, the owner brought the pet in
for an examination, and the dog stood up and walked out of the exam
After observing the effective cross-application of the
biomechanical analysis and corrective procedure in a quadruped, I was
interested in exploring applications relating to both musculo-skeletal
conditions and performance in high level sporthorses. Our first
case was a Hanovarian jumper at the Franktown Meadows Equestrian
Facility in Northern Nevada. The horse was flexibility
restricted, requiring over a one hour warm up period prior to lessons or competition. The
assessment of muscle-tendon relations of
the spine and extremities resulted in our isolation of restrictions and
hypersensitivity that contributed to numerous compensatory
patterns. The same procedure was used to increase the elasticity
of the affected structures, a number
of which exhibited hardening or fibrosis due to trauma or a chronic
condition in which compensatory changes resulted in
stabilization. As with the Basset Hound, we were able to
immediately increase the elasticity of these structures, decrease the
hypersensitivity and observe an immediate increase in functional joint
range of motion.
After the assessment and procedure, we proceeded to saddle
and have the trainer assess the functional capacity of the horse.
To our surprise, the horse walked out relaxed and with the same level
function that was experienced after a prolonged warm up period. During
the session the horse improved progressively and the training objective
was to work with movements that could be executed correctly, avoiding
any destabilizing compensatory pattern. If a problem was observed in a
movement, the instruction was to back off, and only work in a range
that the horse could function correctly and below a threshold of
discomfort. Our capacity to increase the joint flexibility to
accommodate integrity, combined with efforts to control
inflammation, led to the continued progress in the horse's
The success with the animal applications demonstrated that
once the animal was provided the functional capacity to work without pain, they
would automatically adjust their mechanics into a stable pattern, a
scenario that doesn't happen quite as easily with humans. To
date, doors have opened to adapt this work on numerous small animal
cases with conditions ranging from herniations to arthritis and hip
dysplasia as well as hundreds of sporthorses in dressage,hunter-jumper
and western training programs.